doc. Mgr. Natália Martínková Ph.D.
Position full-time researcher
Direction statistical modelling of biotic interactions
Workplace Research facility Studenec
+420 560 590 605
+420 606124586

Research interests
- phylogenetics, reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships in vertebrates and pathogens,
- modelling changes of DNA sequences in time,
- evolution of infectious diseases,
- development of analytical tools for analyses of genomic and ecological data.
Finished projects
- 1994-1999: undergraduate study – Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Science, specialization – Zoology.(MSc.=Mgr.)
- 1999-2004: Ph.D. study – Charles University Prague, Faculty of Science, specialization Zoology.(Ph.D.)
- 2001-present: Department of Population Biology, Institute of Vertebrate Biology AS CR, v.v.i., Studenec – research scientist,
- 2009–present: Masaryk Univeristy Brmo – Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses – teacher,
- reviewer for Acta Theriologica, Biologia (Bratislava), Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Belgian Journal of Zoology, Conservation Genetics, Ecography, Folia Zoologica, Heredity, Journal on Natural History, Journal of Zoology, Molecular Ecology,
- supervising of MSc. and Ph.D. students.
International experience
- 2000: Department of Cell and Organism Biology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden – research stay.
- 2000: Forsuchungsinstitut für Wildtierkunde und Ökologie, Vienna, Austria – research stay.
- 2004: Department of Cell and Organism Biology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden – research stay.
- 2005: Department of Biology, University of York, York, UK – NERC Postdoctoral Fellow.
- 2007: CMPG, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland – research stay.
- 2006-2008: Department of Biology, University of York, York, UK – Marie-Currie Postdoctoral Fellow.
Current students
- Shubhra Sau: Persistence of colour polymorphism in lizards (PhD thesis).
- Michaela Havlíčková: Signal for natural selection in genetic markers used for phylogenetic reconstruction in vertebrates.
- Jan Kocanda: Locomotor performance in sand lizard (Lacerta agilis).
- Zuzana Nováková: Covariates of sand lizard (Lacerta agilis, Linnaeus 1758) body weight changes.
- Vladimír Šimánek: Body temperature range of active sand lizards (Lacerta agilis, Linnaeus 1758).
Former students
- Nina Haladová: Multi-core analysis of multi-locus clines.
- Michal Škrobánek: The colour variation and change of colouring in Sand lizard populations, (Lacerta agilis), in two selected localities of Opava region.
- Kateřina Brestovská: Color change in sand lizard during reproductive season in 2 localities in Vysocina region.
- Jan Vlha: Vertical gene flow as a proxy for reproductive fitness (Bc.thesis).
- Michaela Havlíčková: Influence of reference genome on phylogenetic reconstruction from ddRAD data (Bc.thesis, consultant: Markéta Harazim).
- Dagmar Mimrová: Evolutionary rate in coronaviruses (Bc.thesis).
- Ivo Adam: Predation of Lacertidae lizards by omnivorous birds (Bc.thesis, supervisor: Radovan Smolinský).
- Tami Bočková: Detecting gene flow between Ethiopian rodents (Bc.thesis, supervisor: Josef Bryja, consultant: Stuart Baird, Natália Martínková).
- Hana Davidová: Genealogical divergence of African small mammal species (Bc.thesis, supervisor: Ondřej Mikula)
- Rostislav Mahel: Effect of ionising radiation on intermediary metabolism: metabolomic study on an avian model species (Bc.thesis, supervisor: Oldřich Tomášek)
- Karel Riebel: Distribution and habitat preferences of sand lizard colour morphs in Czechia (Master thesis).
- Vít Skalník: Wolf migration corridors in the Czech Republic (Master thesis).
- Magdalena Chvostová: Intraspecific variability in comparative phylogenetics (Bc.thesis).
- Markéta Harazim: Physiology and pathology of infections in bats (PhD thesis) –
- Vít Skalník: Predicting wolf distribution (Bc. thesis).
- Tereza Dračková: Color change in sand lizard during reproductive season (consultant R. Smolinský).
- Renata Zajíčková: Prediction of bat survival under different WNS risk (supervisor J. Zukal).
- Martina Ježková: Potential impact of white-nose syndrome to naive bat species.
- Viktória Seňová: Spatial distribution of longevity and factors influencing its interspecific variability in North American birds.
- Jana Maternová: Coevolution of Filoviridae viruses with their hosts.
- Markéta Mádrová: Ebolavirus host prediction.
- Lucie Jakešová: Behavioural complexity of animals in wild and kept in captivity (consultant J.Zukal).
- Ivana Králová: Spatially explicit phylogeography of the European pine vole.
- Kamil Jaroň: Simulating admixture of genomes using Fisher’s junction model(consultant, supervisor S.E.J.Baird), Genomic islands in a fungus genome (Bc.thesis).
- Markéta Nováková: Consequences of an infectious disease on genetic information in DNA sequences in bats.
- Kristína Vozáriková: Signal for selection in coding DNA sequence (Bc.thesis).
- Jan Závala: Pruning inconsistent fossil dates from dating divergence events in voles (Bc. thesis).
- Zuzana Kozáková: Environmental characteristics of bat hibernacula with increased prevalence of geomycosis (Bc.thesis).
- Jiří Moravec: Phylogeography of viruses causing rabies (Mgr.thesis).
- Patrícia Pečnerová: Molecular and morphological signal of speciation explosion in tree squirrels (Mgr.thesis).
- Zuzana Szolgayová: Phylogeny of selected water metabolism proteins in bats (Bc.thesis).
- Matej Dolinay: Phylogenetic representation of white-nose syndrome in bats (Bc.thesis).
- Michaela Bayerlová: Evolution of protein structure in calcium channels (Mgr.thesis), Co-evolution of arenaviruses and their hosts (Bc.thesis).
- Petr Tříska: Assessing human history by investigating phylogeographies of associated animals (Mgr.thesis), Mammalian glacial refugia in Europe (Bc.thesis).
- Miroslava Rudá: Population structure, spacial activity and population genetics of the Tatra vole (Microtus tatricus), (Mgr.thesis).
- Peter Vallo: Molecular genetic studies in African leaf-nosed bats (Hipposideridae), (Ph.D.thesis).
Kandemir I, Sozen M, Matur F, Kankilic T, Martínková N, Colak F, Ozkurt SO, Colak E (2012).
Phylogeny of species and cytotypes of mole rats (Spalacidae) in Turkey inferred from mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequencees. Folia zoologica, 61: 25-33.
Martínková N, Zemanová B, Kranz A, Giménez MD, Hájková P (2012).
Chamois introductions to Central Europe and New Zealand. Folia zoologica, 61: 239-245.
Martínková N, Moravec J (2012).
Multilocus phylogeny of arvicoline voles (Arvicolini, Rodentia) shows small tree terrace size. Folia zoologica, 61: 254-267.
Pikula J, Banďouchová H, Novotný L, Meteyer CU, Zukal J, Irwin NR, Zima J, Martínková N (2012).
Histopathology confirms White-Nose Syndrome in bats in Europe. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 48: 207-211.
Višňovská Z, Martínková N (2011).
Syndróm bieleho nosa – vážna hrozba pre zimujúce netopiere. Aragonit, časopis Správy slovenských jaskýň, 16: 26-31.
Martínková N, Searle JB (2008).
Stoats and the Irish question. Planet Earth, -: 37.
Martínková N, Zima J, Jaarola M, Macholán M, Spitzenberger F (2007).
The origin and phylogenetic relationships of Microtus bavaricus based on karyotype and mitochondrial DNA sequences. Folia zoologica, 56: 39-49.
Kocian Ľ, Žiak D, Martínková N, Kocianová-Adamcová M, Miklós P (2004).
Prehľad výskumov vtáčích spoločenstiev a drobných zemných cicavcov v Západných Tatrách - Roháčoch od r. 1990. vRoč. 7.
Martínková N, Nová P, Sablina OV, Graphodatsky AS, Zima J (2004).
Karyotypic relationships of the Tatra vole (Microtus tatricus). Folia zoologica, 53: 279-284.
Martínková N (2003).
Ad: Sporné otázky ochrany vzácnych druhov zveri. Správy Slovenskej zoologickej spoločnosti.
Martínková N, Dudich A (2003).
The fragmented distribution range of Microtus tatricus and its evolutionary implications. Folia zoologica, 52: 11-22.
Martínková N (2001).
Genetické metódy v zoológii: fylogenéza cicavcov. Správy Slovenskej zoologickej spoločnosti.