doc. RNDr. Zdeněk Adámek CSc.
Position grant funded researcher
Direction ecology of fish
Workplace Research facility Brno
+420 543 422 523
+420 728006599

Research interests
- fish feeding ecology,
- fish and environment impacts and relationships,
- applied hydrobiology.
- 1967-1974: undergraduate study – J.E. Purkyně University Brno, Faculty of Science, Biology, specialization zoology. Diploma thesis: The impact of warm effluent waters upon the biology of the Oslava River, (supervisor F. Kubíček).
- 1974-1976: specialization Fisheries – University of Agriculture Brno. Thesis: Condition and haematological parameters in common carp fingerlings during the period of overwintering, (supervisor J. Jirásek).
- 1977–1980: PhD study – Feeding biology of herbivorous fish and their impact upon the conditions of water environment.
- 1991-present: South Bohemiam University, České Budějovice, Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters USB, Laboratory of Applied Hydrobiology – research scientist,
- 2005–present: Institute of Vertebrate Biology, ASCR Brno – research scientist.
Current Ph.D. student
- Libor Mikl: Food competition between the species of the family Gobiidae and native fish species of the lower Morava River drainage area.
Jurajda P, Adámek Z, Valová Z, Janáč M, Roche KF (2015).
Fish community and fisheries management of Brno Reservoir following revitalisation measures. Folia zoologica, 64: 112-122.
Georg W, Orendt C, Höss S, Grossschartner M, Adámek Z, Jurajda P, Traunspurger W, de Deckere E, Van Liefferinge C (2010).
The macroinvertebrate and nematode community from soft sediments in impounded sections of the river Elbe near Pardubice, Czech Republic. Lauterbornia, 69: 87-105.
Jurajda P, Adámek Z, Janáč M, Valová Z (2010).
Longitudinal patterns in fish and macrozoobenthos assemblages reflect degradation of water quality and physical habitat in the Bílina river basin. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 55: 123-136.
Jurajda P, Slavík O, Adámek Z (2010).
Monitoring ryb v tekoucích vodách ČR v souvislosti s rámcovou směrnicí 2000/60/ES: plůdek nebo dospělé ryby?. Vodní hospodářství, 2010: 6-81210 .
Loyka P, Adámek Z, Janáč M, Huml J (2008).
Nová horní hranice výskytu hrouzka Kesslerova (Gobio kessleri Dybowski, 1862) v řece Moravě (ČR). Bulletin VÚRH Vodňany, 44: 44-47.
Kortan D, Adámek Z, Poláková S (2007).
Winter predation by otter, Lutra lutra on carp pond system in South Bohemia (Czech Republic). Folia zoologica, 56: 416-428.