
5. 2. 2016
Czech White-Nose Syndrome Team together with international collaborators discovered that mechanisms of tolerance protect Palearctic bats from white-nose syndrome (WNS), the disease that caused…
5. 2. 2016
Non-native species can cause significant ecological and economic damage to native species and ecosystems. This study examines the consequences of non-native Gobiid fishes spreading…
25. 1. 2016
Attached there is the program for Life Scineces Seminars (spring 2016).
5. 11. 2015
From 18th to 20th November Genetic Collections and Biodiversity Research and Conservation workshop will be held at research facility Studenec and field station Mohelský…
19. 10. 2015
Pozvánka přednášku Madagaskar: Místo učebnic živý atlas - čtvrtek 22.10.2015 od 16:00 - Ústav botaniky a zoologie PřF MU, Univerzitní kampus Bohunice, posluchárna A11/235.
22. 9. 2015
Life sciences seminar series: 24.9.2015 - Peter Hore: A chemical compass: how migratory birds may navigate.
22. 9. 2015
Attached find a program of zoological seminars in University Campus Bohunice, every Thursday at 13:00.
8. 9. 2015
Find attached a program of Life Sciences seminars in the University Campus Bohunice.
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